[n@m3]:Wilson Su
[@93]: 20
[Prim@ry 5cH00l]: Chongfu Primary School
[S3cond@ry SchooL]: Northland Secondary School
[D.0.B]: sept 1987
[Curr3nt Studying SchoOL]: Some Polytechnic,^^ lala (secret*)
[CCA] : National Cadet Corps (Senior Cadet Lietenant)
[First Cry]: Year of Hare
[P3rson i like to me3t?]: Easy-Going, Broad Hearted Mind, Friendly & Cheerful
[P3rson i hat3 to ev3n think about it?]: Petty Sort of people, Narrow Minded People, Backstabber(Those type who stab you till you die without even knowing the reason)
[Hotm@il Email-Address]: dracoviper@hotmail.com
[Goo9le Em@il-Address]:dracoviper@gmail.com
[Blo9 Existanc3]: STUPID, cant you see you already in the existing blog? =X
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Secrets Here
Facts: 1) Why do i keep staring at you? Ans: I am being appreciative of your presence and thinking of how lucky am i to have ya.
2) Why do i sometime sound less enthu in the topics? Ans: I am interpreting what you said and thinking of your presence at the same time, every single words you say, its defintely stored in my brain =)
3) Why do i love to stroke your hair so much? Ans: I wanan to tell you how much i love you and how important you're.
4) Why do i sometimes out of sudden stare into your eyes? Ans: I am wishing that you are mine for good =X
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